Friday, November 8, 2013

Roasted Chunky Pumpkin Soup

Hi Folks...
I want to share with you my Pumpkin soup I had on Halloween 2013.
It was so delicious it did not last at all.Next year I'm buying a bigger pumpkin.I think the bigger the better.
Please leave me some comments if you end up making this soup.This is my own recipe and I just hope you love it.No need to add milk or heavy milk to this recipe .

1 med pumpkin (Roasted) Roast 1 hour with drizzled olive oil and a dash of salt
half an onion
1 garlic
5 cups of Chicken broth
1/2 teas of nutmeg
1 teaspoon of crushed red chili
1/2 teaspoon thyme
salt (add with moderation)
3 potatoes sauteed with onions (optional)

Cut roasted pumpkin and blend with a bit of chicken broth.Sauteed onions,.potatoes and garlic until translucent at a medium flame.Add chicken broth to mixture let simmer for about 5 minutes then add pumpkin with other ingredients let everything incorporate and simmer for about 30 minutes at low flame stirring occasionally.